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CHF 48.00


Neutralize electrosmog inside the vehicle

Harmful electromagnetic fields are produced in vehicles as a result of electric leads and devices such as car battery, radio, air conditioning, navigation system, heating etc. Measurements illustrate that this radiation reaches 500nT (Nanotesla) or more. According to current scientific evaluation, a magnetic field of 300nT is already sufficient to considerably diminish the natural ion exchange between body cells.

Symptoms such as tiredness, nausea, headache, concentration loss or burning eyes can result. With pleomorphology (dark-field diagnosis), corresponding damages can be identified in the human blood. By attaching the MOTAC*ELECTRO silica disc to the alternator or the battery, the internal electric circuit is perpetually positively repolarized.

Long distance drivers, electro-sensitive individuals and persons suffering from travel sickness will immediately notice the difference. After installing the tachyonized disc, all passengers will noticeably feel better.

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For each MOTAC ELECTRO we provide a 10-year functional warranty !