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Aloha and welcome !

In my WEB store you will discover tachyon products that

* offer extremely effective protection against electrosmog ...
* revitalize water, drinks and food ...
* were designed for Feng Shui measures ...
* promote healthy and restful sleep ...
* have therapeutic properties ...
* can help you realize your true potential ...

Our tachyon products were and are designed to increase personal well-being, both in the private and business sectors.

And now I hope you enjoy browsing through my WEB store !

Best wishes from the Suisse Romande
Marco-Raffaello Dozio

BIOTAC Energetics

* * *

PS: If you happen to be in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, on your next trip you can visit me in my shop Le Papillon Bleu in Vevey, which is situated only a few meters from the lakeside in a wonderful sunny location.

PS: I provide consulting services in German, French, Italian and English.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday : 13:30h - 18:00h
Saturday:               10:00h - 12:00h / 13:30h - 17:00h

Le Papillon Bleu
Boutique Feng Shui et Bien-être
rue du Lac 51 - Quai Perdonnet

CH-1800 Vevey

+41 (0)78 908 88 88
