With the GOLD*CHIP we still offer the world's safest product when it comes to protecting oneself from the radiation of electrosmog producing devices. All the scientific and biophysical analyses, which were carried out with the GOLD*CHIP, prove its protection potential in an impressive way !
Easy to use: You can stick the GOLD*CHIP on the back of your smartphone ... or simply place it between the case and your smartphone.
Beware of expensive kitsch: For a few years now, more and more suppliers have been flooding the market with dubious products. They present Shungit stickers and other plastic stickers, which are produced cheaply and non-ecological in the land of the dragon ... and sometimes sold for horrendous prices. Effects: zero !
Protection against 5G: During the last months we have been able to test the protection of the GOLD*CHIP against 5G with a small number of people. All carefully executed tests clearly prove that the GOLD*CHIP works reliably in this respect.
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Latest news: since the beginning of March 2020 we offer with the GOLD*CHIP Disc a reliable protection for the living and working area against mobile phone antennas of the 5G generation!
Under this link we have published a feedback that amazed even us.