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GEO-Acupuncture Set


CHF 118.00


Another wonderful product I was allowed to channel in autumn 1999 from the spiritual world is the GEO-Acupuncture Set. The set contains 16 tachyonized glass marbles which serve to enliven Mother Earth.

With these little spheres you can revitalize all the plant and animal life of the region of your choice and create sacred power spots full of light.

To do so, 8 or 12 marbles are circularly arranged (diameter of the circle approximate 80cm) and inserted into the ground (at a depth of approximate 30cm). I highly recommend to add specific wishes (purification, and so forth) whilst burying the spheres. Why don't you visualize to goal that shall be achieved?

In order to energize and tachyonize these glass marbles a very special handcrafted silicon-glass dish has been created in which the spheres are placed for a certain time period. During this procedure the glass marbles are informed with appropriate lightful information in order to harmonize the vibration of Mother Earth.

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The GEO-Acupuncture Set can also be used to create a so called "petrol station" for Earth-, Air- und Water-Beings. To do so you need seven glass marbles which have to be buried as follows:

Three marbles (representing the roof) are buried at a depth of approximate 30cm in a triangular shape ("diameter" of this triangle should be approximate 50cm).

In the center of this triangle you will "dig" a tubular whole with a stick (may be a metallic one) in order to be able to lower the remaining four spheres at a distance of approxmatively 10cm between them.

Allow yourself enough time for these two rituals … you and Mother Earth will highly benefit of these newly created source of light !

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The most impressive earth healing I personally witnessed with the GEO-acupuncture set was during a dowsing seminar I gave in the month of June in the south of Switzerland (canton Ticino). During this workshop in Brione above Minusio, we buried a set with eight spheres in the nearby forest next to a brook.

We then "consigned" the set to the woods and to the adjoining scenery with a ritual. During the meditation we noticed that the surrounding trees lost a large quantity of dry leaves.

We looked at each other incredulously, and Susanna (one of the participants) "confessed" that she wished that the trees around us can free themselves with all the leaves that were old and sick.

There were so many leaves in the air and around us on the floor that everybody of us thought we were dreaming. The energy field was very gentle, but powerful enough that we all could perceive and sense it. In silent joy and thankfulness we left the place half an hour later.