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CHF 39.80


Keywords for the GREEN*CARD

Back pain, chronic stress, mental and physical fatigue, respiratory problems, heart problems, mental and physical regeneration, after a long period of illness, detoxification, purification

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The tachyonized GREEN*CARD (credit card size) is a handmade product made with pure crystalline silicon. After the tachyonization process each GREEN*CARD is laminated in order to protect its delicate structure from attrition. The laminate doesn’t reduce the effects ! As tachyons transmit „information“ one can produce energized drinking water, which offers a similar potential as known from homeopathic chlorophyll.

Place the GREEN*CARD two to three minutes under a glass or a jar with fresh water. If you like, you can leave the little card over night or during daytime under a glass or a jar; consume the informed water in sips at your own discretion. Do not forget to refill the jar from time to time ;-)

Energized chlorophyll offers a variety of positive effects. Similar to an antioxidant it acts antibacterial and strengthens the immune system.The oxygen remains for a longer period in the brain cells and helps to improve concentration. Additionally it is capable to eliminate carbon dioxide, to release oxygen and to kill anaerobic bacteria. And, last but not least, it is known for eliminating toxins from the liver.

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Green is the color-frequency which represents the center of the human body. Objects with this color therefore are perfectly suited for balancing the whole body & all organs. Green procures a feeling of width and is associated to the hearth, the lungs and to the back as well.

Like all plants, this frequency offers oxygen; air to breathe. It therefore represents an excellent color to be used in the following circumstances:

  • heart troubles
  • respiratory problems
  • physical detoxification
  • chronic stress
  • after long period of sickness
  • to let finally loose the past
  • chronicle back pain
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory organs


Meanwhile it is scientifically proven that the frequency of this color is able to grant great services in case of cancer and liability to infectious diseases. No wonder that green-colored gems, precious and semi-precious stones exhibit powerful regenerative forces. From time immemorial they have been used to cure the above mentioned symptoms.

> Water crystal images of the GREEN*CARD ... realized with the method developed by Masaru Emoto