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CHF 116.00


The BioTranslator helps one's desires come into being. 

The BioTranslator translates one's desires into a sequence code that is readily received and acted upon by the forces of creation responsible for acting upon those desires.  The BioTranslator also supports the strengthening of eyesight.

What Lantos has said about the BioTranslator:

"Do you recall the days of Atlantis?  In these precious times of harmony and growth, each town featured, in the center, a large BioTranslator.  It was to this Translator that the people would come, bringing their desires for health, peace and prosperity. In this fashion, the communication between the people of Atlantis and the Great Celestial Beings and Messengers of Light remained lively and ever-supportive. To the Translator, people would come and fulfillment of the projected intent would arrive, surely and swiftly."

How to Use the BioTranslator: To assist in realizing desires simply hold the BioTranslator and focus on your desires (e.g., for health, happiness, peace, love, wealth, etc.); you may use prayer, affirmation, visualization, or any other method of focusing your desires.

For vision: while resting, hold the base of the BioTranslator over your eyes, with your eyes closed.  Start by holding the BioTranslator over one eye; the base of the BioTranslator should not be touching your eyelid, but should be very close to it.  Hold the BioTranslator there until you feel a vibrancy, or a tingling sensation, at the back of your eye (this may take a few seconds or a few minutes, depending upon the person).  Repeat this over your other eye.  You may do this routine twice each day.  It may take a few months to see results with this routine.