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CHF 388.00


The BioOscillator supports the removal of toxins from persons, animals and the environment.  It also supports the removal of infection from the body, and it strengthens the body. The BioOscillator removes negativity stored up over centuries within people.

What Lantos has said about the BioOscillator: "That which you hold in your hands the world shall come to know as BioOscillator: an instrument to bring forth very great changes:  to purify, to strengthen, to release the negativity stored up for centuries. BioOscillator is the Great Cosmic Cleanser.  BioOscillator releases toxins, eliminates the pollutants and impurities, and restores the system to its natural state.  The system we speak of may be an individual, or BioOscillator may be applied to purify the living environmental system.

BioOscillator releases the toxins which were adhered to a system, internally or externally.  As BioGenesis is spread throughout the country and around the world, the impact of toxins on living systems will be greatly minimized.  We say the words "toxin" and "pollutant" to describe a substance which generates a negative effect when it is introduced to another system. 

The negative effects are minimized as the BioGenesis materials strengthen the levels of harmony and tolerance within each system.  Toxins are toxic due to their effects on the environment. Eliminate the effects and you eliminate the toxin.  BioOscillator accelerates this process already under way with BioGenesis.  Release the toxins and you restore the clean environment conducive to health and growth."


How to use the BioOscillator: When using BioOscillator on persons and animals point the top of the BioOscillator at the area to be affected.  Give the command:  "Perfection is the natural state.  Light is triumphant!"  Twist the BioOscillator back and forth quickly with your fingers while waving the BioOscillator in circles over the body.

When using BioOscillator to purify the environment point the top of the BioOscillator at the area to be affected, and give the command:  "Release the toxins!  Let all return to their natural state!  Light is triumphant!"  Twist the BioOscillator back and forth quickly with your fingers while waving the BioOscillator in circles.