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BioAmplifier * large

BA l

CHF 124.00


The BioAmplifier, which is available in three sizes, offers various application options:

A) it enhances the effect of all BioGenesis products ...
B) it can revitalize drinks and food ...
C) can help plants to grow stronger ...
D) can “remove” impurities from the body ...

The BioAmplifier increases the vibration of matter and changes the underlying energy flow. It releases the light in the matter and amplifies the existing light potential. As its name suggests, the BioAmplifier primarily serves to increase a certain effect.

Application examples:

A) If you want to amplify the power current of a BioGenesis product, you can simply place it next to the object of your choice. The oval, slightly slanted side should point away from the object ... i.e. into the room. This means that the vertical side of the BioAmplifier points towards the object. Clairvoyant people perceive that the energetic information of the object is emitted into the room in a funnel shape.

B) To revitalize drinks and food, simply place the BioAmplifier next to the drinking glass or the apple, or a fruit basket, or ...

C) If a plant needs a little support, you can a) place the BioAmplifier next to the pot ... or b) place it directly in the pot.

D) To release energetic blockages in the body and the chakras, the BioAmplifier is held for a short time with the circular surface over the area of the body to be treated. You can then use gentle, circular movements to treat the corresponding part of the body energetically. When used in this way, the Bio Amplifier can often release accumulated energy in a short time, which can lead to faster regeneration.

Dimensions: 63mm x 50mm

Handmade with pure crystalline silicon by friends of ours from a well-known Bavarian glassworks