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Wand of Genesis


CHF 148.00


The Wand of Genesis redirects currents of energy and removes voids of energy, whether they are in a person or in one's environment. Voids of energy act as physical roadblocks to all that is guided by the currents of energy.  If you are trying to accomplish a task, and yet it seems that you keep running into roadblocks, try using the Wand to clear the path.

What Lantos has said About the Wand of Genesis:

"All that is guided by the currents of energy--the principle of motion--all such activities will be strengthened. Let us take the principle of wealth.  Wealth arises out of the flow of energy currents moving through the physical plane. Let these currents be directed towards the home, towards the land.  We remove the obstacles; we remove the detours. Your home, your land, will either serve to support the accumulation of wealth, or it will offer resistance to this Mighty and Dynamic Sepulcher of Life.  We must set the conditions for support.  All areas of life must receive support--this is our desire for you. Now,take this Wand and place it inside or outside, wherever there is a void.  If it is outside, put it in the Earth--do not let it be exposed.  If it isinside, keep it hidden from view. 

You will see greatest results when the Wand is placed into a void of energy, the spot where the streams of energyavoid.  Walk around the house; you will notice these points ofvacancy."


How to use the Wand of Genesis

When using in the environment to clear roadblocks to success:  If you are trying to accomplish a goal or task, and seem to keep running into roadblocks, place the Wand of Genesis in an area that may represent the goal.  For example, if you are trying to get a new job, place the Wand in a file or drawer in which you store your job hunt information--job listings, résumés, etc.  If you are a business trying to increase sales, place the Wand in your cash register drawer or in your receivables file.  If you are trying to sell or rent your home or office, hide the Wand in a front room (e.g., place it in a drawer or behind books in a bookshelf).

When using in the environment to strengthen support: Place the Wand in an area of relevance.  You may bury the Wand at the entrance to your home or office. You may place the Wand on a picture of a  person who needs support.

When using in a BioGenesis Session: The Wand is the final BioGenesis Tool to be used in a BioGenesis Session. Use it after you have completed using the Flame of Genesis. Wave the Wand of Genesis around the person's body; use a brushing motion around his/her body.  At the very end of the session, let the person hold the Wand of Genesis in his/her hands for a short period of time (usually about 20-30 seconds).